In my Google reader this week, I saw a number of blogs refer to an impressive article titled 20+ mind-blowing social media statistics revisited. The article is getting a lot of attention from on-line enthusiasts. In less than 3 days, over 66 people have retweeted the article, 13 posted a comment and many more have written about the article in their blog, including me.
Why so much excitement? Depending who you are and what you do, these numbers can represent a lot of things. For the social marketing consultant, they give solid evidence that social media is an essential component to the marketing mix.
What do these statistics mean?
The article states that more than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since December 2008 and more than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook.
No longer can anyone serious about growing their business or law practice ignore the revolution we are in as it relates to the new rules of marketing.
The way we communicate, share, learn and connect with others is also changing.
Now is the time to step back and pay attention to the opportunities that social media provide.
Today make a commitment to do one thing that will engage you in the social media environment.
The following are three steps to get you started:
- The first step is to listen to what is being said, read what your colleagues, customers and referral sources are saying on their blogs, LinkedIn groups and tweets.
- The next step is to connect. Join or initiate groups in LinkedIn and facebook. Subscribe and follow your favorite blogs, invite new people to your facebook and linked in accounts.
- The final step is to make a contribution. Comment on blogs that you like or don’t like, respond to comments in your LinkedIn or facebook groups, re-tweet a favorite link. Post engaging and interesting blogs that tell the world how you think, what you stand for and how you solve problems for your clients.
In summary, social media is like any good social interaction, it starts with listening, followed by observing and connecting and finally making a contribution when you have something to say that others are interested in hearing.
I will be presenting a seminar in New York on Thursday, February 4th on the topic of Using Social Media to grow your Law Practice. Please contact me if you are interested in bringing this workshop to your organization or firm.