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Five Characteristics of Successful Family Law Practitioners

Why are some practitioners successfully building their family law practice while other practitioners struggle to attract desirable clients and are frequently concerned about, “where the next case will come from?”

The five characteristics I’ve found consistent with every successful family law practitioner include commitment, competence, community, communication and exceptional client value.

Successful family law practitioners:

  1. Know what they want, believe in their vision and are committed to achieving their vision. Commitment is defined as “The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action.” The first step in building a strong practice is having a clear idea of what you want, internalizing the value for achieving this goal and committing to the “action” to realize your goal. 
  2.  Have a relentless pursuit for competence. What every successful practitioner has in common is they consistently work towards mastering the underlying skills necessary for delivering exceptional client value. With increased skill comes confidence, allowing practitioners to internalize the value of their service and communicate this value to clients and referral sources. 
  3. Contribute to building their community. People will do business with those they know, like and trust. One of the critical requirements for consistent referrals is establishing a foundation of trust among professionals. The number one way to build trust is to spend time making a contribution to your community and showing an interest in others. 
  4. Effectively communicate what they do, who they do it for and the value of their service.Successful practitioners consistently communicate a clear message about their practice so everyone knows what they do, the value they provide and who can benefit from their service. 
  5. Provide exceptional client value. Satisfied clients are the best source of referrals. Higher client satisfaction requires a focus on providing superior service. This means knowing the needs, interests and goals of your clients and meeting and exceeding expectations. The fastest way to grow a practice is through word-of-mouth marketing. This will happen if clients have a positive experience with your service.

“The only way to grow a business is through remarkable service.” -Seth Godin, Purple Cow

Review the above characteristics and conduct a self-assessment of your strengths and weakness. In what areas are you strong and which areas can you improve? Create a plan today for making these characteristics an integral part of your practice. By mastering these characteristics, you will be taking essential steps toward growing your matrimonial law practice and creating the practice you want, a practice that attracts desirable and profitable clients, produces exceptional client value and brings fulfillment to your work.

Elizabeth Ferris helps law firms and businesses to attract profitable clients. She conducts workshops for law firms, on strategies for building a law practice. She also facilitates retreats and workshops for law firms, financial groups and businesses on strategic planning, including creating a firm wide branding campaign. Please contact Elizabeth at for more information.

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