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Where is the Proof Social Media Works for Growing Your Practice?

Last week I gave a workshop on social media to over 30 collaborative practice lawyers, mental health professionals and financial advisers.

A few of the participants were skeptical about social media and were not sure it was worth their time.

Others saw it as an opportunity for accelerating the growth of their practice. Who is right? How do you know social media will work?

I believe the answer is not about whether social media works, rather it is about taking action to attract clients and referral sources to your collaborative practice.

Taking action is the key to growing your practice.

The more action you take every day to convey what you do, who you do it for and the value you provide, the more clients and referral sources you will attract.

The following are emails describing the “action” taken from people attending my workshop in New York and from a law firm retreat I conducted in London.

“Since the workshop, I have added lots of people to my Linked In account and rewrote my bio.  I am using Constant Contact to keep track of my clients, lawyers I work with and a coach list. I have just sent my first Constant Contact email announcing a workshop I’m doing on creating a Vision Board for clients.

I was able to figure out how to put a link to the announcement on my website. It’s another way to get people to sign onto my mailing list.

I’ve written an involved article on the pros and cons of the one and two coach models (or Neutral and Co-Coach) and I’m developing my email lists.

Thought you’d like to know that there’s a lot going on around here with a lot of people.”

–Micki McWade, Divorce coach New York.

Stay tuned for more “action” focused tips for growing your practice in upcoming blog posts. Let me know what is working for you.

I will share your tips with other professionals in the Family law and Collaborative Practice community.

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