In a recent blog post by Nick Morgan, Nick talked about the two critical elements to increasing your charisma.
The following are Nicks tips:
First, increase your authenticity. And that means being absolutely aligned in what you say and how you say it – content and body language. You can’t be authentic if those two modes of expression are not aligned.
Second, increase your passion. Focus in yourself on how you feel about the moment, the people you’re with, the situation you’re in, and then express that (see #1).
Working on these two steps will create a virtuous cycle that will increase your charisma quotient as you get more and more practiced at expressing emotion authentically.
Nick has simply and succinctly named two approaches that will not only increase your charisma but also increase your effectiveness to grow your law practice. Research shows that over 90% of what you communicate is non-verbal, this means that you must first be convinced about what you are saying before you can convince anyone else.
Assess you personal passion and belief in the value of your work. What can you do to increase your alignment between what you say and how you say it?