Does your law firm brand define your “story”?
Having worked with lawyers for ten years on branding, I passionately recommend that lawyers develop a distinctive, relevant and consistent law firm brand.
Your law firm brand is your reputation and distinguishes you in the minds of your prospective clients and referral sources. A strong law firm brand will communicate your uniqueness, express your value, tell your story and create a memorable presence in your market. Your brand will not be for everyone.
Your law firm brand will define your “story” that is, how you express your value to potential clients.
Law firm brands fail for the following two reasons.
- When the brand starts outside of your firm. Too often law firms and lawyers focus more on their external persona verses who they truly are and what they stand for. This can lead to disastrous results. (Think Enron, BP and Fannie Mae) Can you link this to article on mission vision and values
- When the brand is about self promotion verses an authentic commitment to making a positive contribution to your clients, colleagues and community.
A brand is not a persona or a “logo.” It is about being authentic and doing remarkable work, living your values and consistently delivering on your brand promise. This includes building trust and maintaining a reputation in alignment with your brand.
The more defined your brand, the more you will distinguish yourself in a competitive market and attract the clients who value what you do best.