This weekend I spoke at the 17th Annual Northwest Dispute Resolution Conference in Seattle on how to create an ADR marketing plan.
I observed highly passionate professionals who wanted to build their practice and attract more clients so they can use their skills and expertise to help clients. I also observed frustrations about marketing and building an ADR practice, including:
- Not enough time
- Lack of clarity on what to do first
- Not sure how to identify their best clients or how to attract them.
Do these sound familiar?
The following are six tips for getting started on an effective marketing plan for your ADR practice:
- Ask yourself, “What is my vision for my practice; what kind of work do I want to do? Why is this important to me? Write down the answer and then commit yourself to doing something every day to meet your vision. Commit yourself to excellence in your ADR practice, involvement in your community and confidence in how you communicate your brand.
- Be selective about the work you accept. If you are constantly busy with work that is not consistent with your vision for your practice, it will be difficult to find the time or energy to grow the kind of work that will allow you to achieve your goals. Decide who your ideal client is and proactively attract this type of client to your practice.
- Nurture and grow business from your top referral sources. Referrals come from people who know, like and trust you. The best way to gain trust is to develop a relationship with those who already know about you. This will require scheduling the time to get to know your referral sources and learning about their businesses and interests.
- Provide remarkable service to your clients. Word-of-mouth marketing is by far the best marketing strategy for any service. The only way to get people talking about your service is to make the experience for clients remarkable — then they will want to tell other people.
- Have a web site that educates people about your law or ADR practice. Offer information that is of value to your prospective clients. Your message should connect at an emotional level with your target markets’ desired outcomes.
- Share your success- help others learn and grow. The more you share your success and knowledge with other ADR professionals, the more they will learn and spread the ADR message.
I am interested in your success stories and challenges. I will blog about them and help you spread the word about your practice.