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Blogging Basics for Lawyers

Blogging among lawyers is on an increase. Lawyers who want to attract desirable clients to their practice are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of blogging, including:

  • Boost search engine rankings
  • Establish credibility with prospective clients
  • Stay top of mind with influencers and referral sources
  • Build relationships with thought leaders in your area of expertise
  • Become more aware of what is going on in your field
  • Attract desirable clients
  • Build an on-line reputation
  • Reinforce your law firm’s brand

Without a doubt, blogging is an excellent opportunity for you to build your practice by increasing your visibility and credibility with prospective clients and referral sources.

Why then does blogging seem like such a chore and the thought of writing a blog post compare to a visit to the dentist for some lawyers?

Blogging is a new tool for communication and requires some basic understanding before it can be enjoyed. Think about your blackberry or iphone. The first time you used the device, it seemed cumbersome and for a few of us, slightly frustrating, especially when we would repeatedly hit the wrong key in typing a message. But after using it for a while, the mobile device became an essential business and communication tool.

What changed a previously frustrating experience into an essential communication resource?

Two things changed, including familiarity with the device and knowledge on how to use the mobile phone properly.

You can become an effective blogger and leverage this on-line marketing tool to attract desirable clients by learning blogging basics and becoming more familiar with the process.

Effective blogging requires awareness, engagement and conversation.

The basics of blogging include:

  1. Reading
  2. Commenting
  3. Writing

A word of warning, if you do enter the world of blogging, maintain your blog. Lee Rosen, a law blogging super guru, wrote an excellent post titled, A Dead Family Law Blog is Bad For Your Family Law Practice – don’t let your blog go dormant. In the post Rosen highlights what prospective clients and referral sources may think when they see an outdated blog or website. My next post will include strategies on how to save time reading what is going on in the blogosphere to help you become a more effective blogger.

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